Zhang Lingrui

Zhang Lingrui(b.1994) was born in Anhui, China. Zhang graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts(Beijing, China) and Royal College of Art(London, UK) in 2017 and 2020, with a bachelor degree and master degree respectively. Since 2022, Zhang has studied for a doctorate at Tsinghua University(Beijing). Zhang currently 

works and lives in Beijing.


Zhang Lingrui regards his work as a relic of a tug of war between order and chaos. From the perspective of details in painting, in addition to being bricks and tiles that construct images, the physical traces they leave on the canvas are also stagnant states at different time points as the main subject. As Cy Twombly said, "Every 

line reflects its own history, and even without an explanation, it remains a materialistic event of its own." 


Recent Exhibitions:

2024, ASPHALT, Gene Gallery, Shanghai, China

2023, End of Summer Exhibition, oncegallery, Beijing

2023, Baroque, Galerie CharapLacombe, Biarritz, France, 

2023, DaybyDay,GoodDay, UnionPacific Gallery, London, UK