Flute Dream: Han Xiuzhi

17 December 2022 - 15 January 2023
The theme of artist Han Xiuzhi's solo exhibition is a reference to Hesse's short story "Flute Dream", in which Hesse uses poetic language to tell the journey of a teenager who is not familiar with the world and the surreal light and bizarre are intertwined with romantic lyric poetry, telling individual views and life encounters through the mouths of many people. Like the story's hero, Han Xiuzhi has experienced a difficult and long journey away from home, from studying art in his youth to living in Beijing as an adult and experiencing isolation since the epidemic. In the various changes of time and encounters, the artist speaks in an intimate, private, and personal way. The creative nodes of the works in this exhibition span the past five years, continuing the artist's peeping and thinking on the social environment and using paint to carry the comparison of the real picture.
It seems that there is a river in every story of Han, and the ferryman on the river in "Flute Dream" warns of a dangerous future, and in Han Xiuzhi's latest series, around the allusion to the Tongtian River in "Journey to the West", the geographical boundary between a river during the epidemic has become an insurmountable obstacle on the road to Beijing, and his daily lingering on the banks of the Chaobai River. In the collision and squeeze of the individual and the surroundings, these works are full of symbols and brushstrokes of personal will, limbs, fruits, flowers and short and broken fragments of life in the superposition of hazy dreams and cold reality, revealing more individual feelings, and stretching like a river for a long time.